Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Goodnight Moon...

No, seriously…good night! Go to bed! Let the sun come up and shine and light the way. Wait…I’m sorry…my bad. It’s four-freaking-thirty in the morning! The moon SHOULD be up and I should NOT!!!
The above is a little snippet of a conversation I had in my head this morning as I stumbled from my house, coffee mug in hand, keys dangling from my fingertips and my body protesting. Every.Single.Step.
Since we are just getting to know each other, let me take a moment here to tell you a little about me. I am 45 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall (despite what the little wench at my doctor’s office puts on my chart…I am NOT 5’ 3 ½”!), a plump 150 plus (we’re not saying how much plus) and I am NOT a morning person. To me, mornings should be spent lying in bed until the sun has risen and our body brings us awake naturally. Alarm clocks should NOT wake us up at 4:30am so we can willingly go to a building and pay someone to allow us to torture our bodies with machines that are meant to…well, to torture people! Did I mention I also hate exercise?
My wonderful husband is 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighs between 180 and 190, and can eat pretty much whatever he wants, run a mile and be right back at the weight he started at. He enjoys running and exercise in general. He is also a morning person. Yeah…not good! Why you ask? Because since he’s a morning person, he thinks everyone else should be a morning person too. He jumps out of bed each morning, sometimes literally whistling, ready to start his day. I find myself with my eyes half open about halfway through my shower and if I’m lucky, by the time I leave for work (usually about an hour later) the cobwebs have cleared away enough that at least I’m not a severe detriment to me or others on the roadways. By the time I’ve been out of bed for about 2 hours or so, my mind is starting to function normally and my day begins.
So, back to where we started…4:30am wake-up call and going to the gym at an hour that no sensible person should. The thing is, there are actually quite a few people at the gym at 5am. I know…crazy right?! If you are one of those people and you actually enjoy exercising and pushing yourself physically, I applaud you. I on the other hand would much rather spend my time ohhhh, I don’t know…having a root canal maybe? But seriously…I know that after the initial shock wears off and my body starts to feel the positive effects of eating healthy and exercising, things will be better. In the mean time, I will fuss about the early morning wake-up calls and the pain of using muscles I forgot I had. I will mumble and grumble and my dear sweet husband will do what he always does…jump out of bed each morning, encourage me to “step-it-up” and continue with his evil plan to convert me to a morning person as well. Yeah…good luck with that one buddy!


  1. OMG girl...I am laughing SO hard!! I am totally picturing the Helen/Mark morning interaction in my head. Oh poor Mark! J/K...love ya...and great blog!!!
