Saturday, October 26, 2013

Seeing yourself through someone else's eyes...

I have never considered myself as “pretty”. I mean, I know I'm not horrible to look at because small children don't start crying when they see me but as a general observation of myself, I have always considered myself quite plain. I have dishwater brown hair (and yes, that's what I grew up knowing the name of my blondish-brown hair to be) and I have hazel eyes that are neither blue nor green nor brown. I am not tall at only five feet four inches and I have about twenty excess pounds that I seem to be stuck with no matter what I eat and how much, or little, exercise I incorporate into my life. I am just plain old me.

As a rather plain person, I am also not all! I can count possibly eight or ten pictures from my entire life that I actually like. My sister, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Although she and I look a lot alike, or so we're told, she is very photogenic. I very rarely see a photo of her that isn't great. Whether she is dressed up for a night on the town or has no make-up on and her hair is pulled into a ponytail, the camera seems to find only the good things about her and displays them quite nicely.

This is why a recent event took me by surprise. To know a little more about this, you have to know I am married to the most amazing man I have ever known. He treats me with respect, love and devotion. He lets me know on a regular basis that I am the “queen of his universe” (his words, not mine) and that he loves me beyond measure. And I believe him. I believe that when he tells me I am beautiful, it's because in his eyes, I truly am. He sees me as no one has ever seen me before. He has seen me at my best and my absolute worst and has chosen to still love me and let me know he thinks I am beautiful.

I often joke with him that I wish I could see me through his eyes. Then something amazing happened...I did! Well, sort of. You see, like most people these days, we are the owners of smart phones which means a camera is readily available. I am most likely to snap a picture of one of my grandkids or a place we are visiting or even the food we are about to consume...and yes, I post them on FB for my friends to see. My dear husband, uses his much the same way...except for one tiny difference. He also likes to snap pics of me at the most inopportune times. Whether I am getting ready for work, preparing dinner or just hanging out with friends somewhere, he is likely to snap a pic at any given moment. It wasn't until recently that I truly grasped just how often those moments occur.

After seeing a pic he had snapped of me, I wanted to update my FB profile and thought that picture would work nicely. Instead of selecting that one pic and emailing or texting it to myself, I connected his camera to my laptop and downloaded all of his pictures...all nine-hundred plus! As I scrolled through them and started deleting random pics, I came across several of myself that I never even knew he had taken. That's not what surprised me though. What really surprised me was how many of them that I actually liked. They were mostly candid shots of me around the house or out and about and totally oblivious to the fact that he was practicing his photography skills. For the first time in my entire life, I looked at myself through his eyes...or at least the closest I could come.

I'm not sure why this made a difference. Maybe I was just in a really good mood that day and felt really good about myself in general; maybe it's all of the positive affirmations we have been practicing lately; or maybe, just maybe, I have finally come to accept that despite years of being told I was fat or that someone else was prettier than me or having every single flaw pointed out, I have finally accepted myself for who I am and have come to love the person I have become. Whatever the reason, I cannot describe to you what it feels like to look at a picture of yourself and really, truly like what you see. Will every picture experience be like this going forward? I have no idea. What I do know however, is that I will no longer be so critical of myself. I had years of someone else pointing out all of my flaws, starting with my own father, so from now on I will make a point of looking at myself as my husband someone who is beautiful and worthy of the love that fills my life every single day. It truly is amazing.  

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